The Word and Prayer and Lower Lights Ministry Mission Statement 

As believers … whose faith and hope are in God… 

We have in obedience to the truth purified our souls for a sincere love of the  brethren – striving to love one another from the heart. 

We are devoting ourselves to the ministries of the word and prayer, striving to  both speak and serve out of the power which God supplies, that we may proclaim Christ, warning all we meet and teaching all we can. For we have been called for this purpose – to make disciples and equip the  saints for works of service so the body of Christ may be built up, with each  member functioning in a way as to cause the body of Christ to grow and build  itself up in love. 

We do this by looking to Christ our example and encouraging believers to hold  fast to the Word of Life so they may shine as lights in the world. We pursue love, the goal of our instruction, and are pressing on to the prize of  the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 

We encourage all believers to pray without ceasing, laying hold of that for  which Christ laid hold of them; and to not shrink back but to have faith to the  persevering of the soul. And to live by the same standard to which they have  attained. Counting all things loss for the sake of Christ, we accept the ministry  of reconciliation given to us from God, Who through Christ reconciled us to Himself! 

Freely we have received – freely we will give!

Louise & Tom

1 Peter 1:21
1 Peter 4:11
Colossians 1:28
1 Peter 2:21
Ephesians 4:12-14
Matthew 28:18-20
1 Peter 2:21
Philippians 2:13-16 1
Timothy 1:5
Philippians 3:14
1 Timothy 6:11-12
Acts 14:22
Hebrews 10:39
Philippians 3:7, 16
2 Corinthians 5:18
Matthew 10:8

The Salvo was started as a daily encouragement to point to the Faithful God that spoke to King David thousands of years ago God’s Faithful Messiah
1A Psalm of David. The LORD said to my Lord: “Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.” 2The LORD extends Your mighty scepter from Zion: “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”… Psalms 110:1

Berean Study Bible · Download

It is only appropriate that this website acknowledge that King David was told of Good News long before Yeshua (Jesus) (Salvation) entered this world in the flesh.

Here are some thoughts that may have crossed David’s mind and heart as David praised The Almighty.  We will need to search the Holy Scriptures to see more. 

Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah (Live In London) – YouTube 

“Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen – Live In LondonListen to Leonard Cohen: … Lyrics: Hallelujah, …

Leonard Cohen – Hallelujah (Lyrics) – YouTube 

“Hallelujah” by Canadian singer Leonard Cohen, originally released on his album Various Positions (1984). Achieving little initial success, …

Let’s begin the salvo journey together.

Blessings in His Name,
