In a dream last night, I was walking a path in a rural area,
and walking into this small settlement where the living was quit primitive
compared to what we live in here in the U.S. I didn't see any electronics or TV sets,
and the sweeping of floors was sweeping of dirt floors.
My impression was all the families there were working together,
and had a great affection and concern for the well being of all others
living there.
They had all things in common, not by a compulsory abolition of the rights of property (see Acts 5:4), but by the spontaneous energy of love. The gift of the …
Not one of them claimed that anything of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. … and of the multitude of those who did …
kibbutz, (Hebrew: “gathering” or “collective”) plural kibbutzim, also spelled qibbutz, Israeli collective settlement, usually agricultural and often also …